Thursday, September 19, 2024

Unique inspiritional quotes on life


Unique quotes about life success

Earning from suspicion is better than asking

The greatest blessing after faith is a virtuous woman

A person who keeps his secret is like keeping his security in his possession

The power of action is that today's work should not be left for tomorrow

Get knowledge before you become an elder

Three things are the means of increasing love: greeting others, making room for others in the assembly, calling others by good names

You do not make others slaves, even though their mothers gave birth to them free

That person is your good friend who informs you about your mistakes

Being kind to people is half wisdom, asking good questions is half knowledge, and good tact is half economy

Don't trust someone until you see them angry

Talking less is wisdom, eating less is health, sleeping less is worship and meeting people less is wellness

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Islamic quotes in english

 Short islamic moral quotes in english

Do not despise the warning of Allah, for He warns whom He loves

Do not consider yourself wise, fear Allah and refrain from sin

Do not plot evil against your neighbor while he is living carefree with you

Do not quarrel with him who has not wronged you

The iniquities of the wicked will catch him, and he will be entangled in the ropes of his own sins

O man, go to the ant, see its work and gain knowledge, although it has no ruler or chief, it gathers food in summer and benefits from it in winter.

The path of Allah is strength for the righteous and destruction for the wicked

All the days of a broken spirit are bad, but a happy heart is always grateful

When a person's actions are done by the will of Allah, then He turns enemies into friends

Stop the fight before it escalates

Monday, September 16, 2024

Motivational quotes for success

 Powerful motivational quotes for success in life

A little literature is better than knowledge without literature

He who knows human ethics well does not feel sorry for the reproach of the ignorant

What does not come out of the tongue is your slave, what comes out of the tongue, you are its slave

Most of the troubles that befall the rich, the poor are spared

Control your thoughts in private and your tongue in assembly

There are four things in the world that are bad for life.  Lack of wealth.  Bad neighbor.  Cheating wife.  Big family

Three things are best: restraining a sinner from doing wrong, educating an ignorant person, and making an enemy a friend

Man's greatest enemy is the act of sin and his best friend is the act of goodness

The pain of punishment makes one forget the pleasure of sin

He who perseveres succeeds

Happiness is a profitable business.   contentment treasure.   And intellect is the boat of salvation

Becoming a slave to time is the best wisdom

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Inspirational quotes about life

 Inspiritional quotes about success

A person who cannot bear the difficulties of learning will spend the rest of his life in difficulties

Think of the world as a den of thieves and live smart

Life cannot be called successful unless it is a means of good deeds

Don't regret your past failures but always try to succeed in the future

Nothing can harm the country and wealth more than incompetent rulers

A person should avoid jealousy, but he must do what he hopes to improve

Do not rush to answer so as not to embarrass yourself later

Silence is the easiest thing to do and the most profitable

The greatest victory in life is self-control

Habit weakens nature and works against it

Six things damage the eyesight of the eyes. Pour hot water on the head. Look at the sun. See the enemy. cry more and drug use

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Islamic moral quotes


Moral thought in islam

A person who fulfills one's needs is like spending his whole life in the service of Allah Ta'ala

Pleasing the heart of another brother is the best form of worship in the sight of Allah

Do not respond to a person who speaks before greeting until he has finished greeting

After faith, the best virtue is to serve the creatures

Whoever kills the neighbor's dog hurts the neighbor

He who persecutes his neighbor is in Hell whether he prays all night or fasts during the day

Doing good to strangers is the cause of long life and abundance of sustenance

Stay away from the place of slander

Friday, September 13, 2024

Motivational Quotes

 Motivational quotes about success

Reaching the destination of success is not difficult provided the right path is taken

It should be noted that corruption and extortion in trade are two axes that cut off its roots

A person who waits for favorable conditions and better opportunities always fails because all the great people who have passed through the world have been successful in opposition and resistance.

Failure and deprivation is not due to luck but due to wrong planning

Those who leave today's work for tomorrow do not think about what we have done today and what we will do tomorrow

The better the work, the greater the difficulties

The bottom of the sea of   perseverance is full of pearls

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Motivational quotes

 Motivational quotes about success in life

Fear is a component of prudence

He who controls his tongue saves himself

Unique inspiritional quotes on life

  Unique quotes about life success Earning from suspicion is better than asking The greatest blessing after faith is a virtuous woman A pe...

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