Showing posts with label Inspiritional quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inspiritional quotes. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Unique inspiritional quotes on life


Unique quotes about life success

Earning from suspicion is better than asking

The greatest blessing after faith is a virtuous woman

A person who keeps his secret is like keeping his security in his possession

The power of action is that today's work should not be left for tomorrow

Get knowledge before you become an elder

Three things are the means of increasing love: greeting others, making room for others in the assembly, calling others by good names

You do not make others slaves, even though their mothers gave birth to them free

That person is your good friend who informs you about your mistakes

Being kind to people is half wisdom, asking good questions is half knowledge, and good tact is half economy

Don't trust someone until you see them angry

Talking less is wisdom, eating less is health, sleeping less is worship and meeting people less is wellness

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Inspirational quotes about life

 Inspiritional quotes about success

A person who cannot bear the difficulties of learning will spend the rest of his life in difficulties

Think of the world as a den of thieves and live smart

Life cannot be called successful unless it is a means of good deeds

Don't regret your past failures but always try to succeed in the future

Nothing can harm the country and wealth more than incompetent rulers

A person should avoid jealousy, but he must do what he hopes to improve

Do not rush to answer so as not to embarrass yourself later

Silence is the easiest thing to do and the most profitable

The greatest victory in life is self-control

Habit weakens nature and works against it

Six things damage the eyesight of the eyes. Pour hot water on the head. Look at the sun. See the enemy. cry more and drug use

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Deep quotes about life

 Deep inspiritional quotes about life

Every human life has a special purpose and the final destination of this life is not to reach the grave or the graveyard

When we are deprived of the things we like, we should like the existing things only

A coward dies many times before he dies, a brave man dies only once

Wisdom is the name of independence and patience, one should think continuously to solve difficult problems

The old system changes, the new system takes its place. Allah shows His glory in every color

He who is a good listener and less talker is welcome everywhere at all times

Good food, silence and happiness are the best doctors

All human habits begin with humble beginnings, then the pattern gradually deepens

By educating a man you educate an individual, by educating a woman you can educate the whole family

Every stone in the wall, no matter how small, has its value

Woman was created to reduce suffering and sorrow

Friday, September 6, 2024

Inspiritional Quotes


Inspiritional quotes for success

The door that does not open for the poor must open for the doctor

Get as much knowledge as you can to reach your goal

He is a wise person who does not take revenge despite the power

Good people benefit even from their enemies

Most people see people wishing for excellence but do nothing to achieve it

A person who rejoices in the humiliation of this world is deprived of the happiness of the Hereafter
Greed is the key to humiliation and contentment is the key to comfort

Don't look for someone's faults so that you don't find your faults

Do not despair that the result is a short life

Unique inspiritional quotes on life

  Unique quotes about life success Earning from suspicion is better than asking The greatest blessing after faith is a virtuous woman A pe...

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