Showing posts with label Islamic quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Islamic quotes. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Short islamic quotes in english for success

 Short islamic quotes in english

None of you can be a believer until his hands and tongue are protected by other Muslims

The worst of people is the person whom people should respect in order to avoid their evil

The best of you is the one who is good to his family

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Islamic quotes in english about life

 Islamic quotes in english about life

It is difficult to defend an enemy who comes in the form of a friend

To turn away from useless activities is to retreat

The love of Allah is in the heart, the love of the world leaves that heart

The best person in the sight of Allah is the person who benefits others

The best is the sinner who repents after sinning

Shame after sin is the branch of repentance

Happiness is an easy task but its reward is very high

Evil deeds are tantamount to direct enmity with Allah

Do not consider the sin after which the fear of Allah and repentance is possible

Whoever Allah likes, imposes on him an oppressor who causes him pain, then he becomes very high in the sight of Allah.

Man always learns in pain and forgets the previous lesson in happiness

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Heart touching Islamic Quotes

 Heart touching Islamic Quotes for motivation

Knowledge without action is loss and action without sincerity is useless

If you cannot benefit anyone, then do not harm, and if you cannot make someone happy, then do not hurt anyone

When the feet of desires come out of the cloak, there is no peace

If people are impressed by you, then thank the Lord who made you honorable among people by hiding your defects

The characteristic of a good companion is that he cares for you despite differences with you

Dress expensive or cheap does not hide the character Make the character look good You will look good in every outfit

Break your heart with understanding. Not every sin is forgiven

The world belongs to him who lies as much as he says, but he has no share in the Hereafter

Never put your hope in man and never lose your hope in Allah

Make your thinking positive because it is possible to cure vision but not ideology

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Islamic quotes in english about life

 Islamic quotes about life success

The worst thing after disbelief is a bad-tempered woman

After faith, the best thing is a virtuous and childbearing woman

All the kingdoms of the world cannot be the price of a sip of thirst and a cure for constipation

No worship of a person who is angry for more than three days is accepted until they reconcile

The causes of hell for man are his own hands and feet and the misuse of his tongue

To share in the grief of someone who is distressed is an act of worship

There is no one more unfortunate than that person who does not turn to Allah even in trouble

Instead of arguing about destiny, keep following the orders of Allah in silence

Do not buy the friendship of thousands of people for the enmity of one person

In anger, it is wrong to describe the bad deeds of others and to hide the good deeds

An honest businessman is better than a worshiper because trust is hard work

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Islamic quotes in english

 Short islamic moral quotes in english

Do not despise the warning of Allah, for He warns whom He loves

Do not consider yourself wise, fear Allah and refrain from sin

Do not plot evil against your neighbor while he is living carefree with you

Do not quarrel with him who has not wronged you

The iniquities of the wicked will catch him, and he will be entangled in the ropes of his own sins

O man, go to the ant, see its work and gain knowledge, although it has no ruler or chief, it gathers food in summer and benefits from it in winter.

The path of Allah is strength for the righteous and destruction for the wicked

All the days of a broken spirit are bad, but a happy heart is always grateful

When a person's actions are done by the will of Allah, then He turns enemies into friends

Stop the fight before it escalates

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Islamic quotes in english for success

Islamic quotes in english about life

By offering charity in a humble and polite manner in front of the poor person, because giving charity cheerfully is a sign of acceptance

Health is not obtained by medicine, with youth flush with wealth

Worship is a profession, solitude is its shop, wealth is its piety, Paradise is its profit

It is very good to be fair to everyone

It is obligatory to repent from sin, but it is more obligatory to avoid sin

It is difficult to be patient in adversity, but it is more difficult to protect the reward of patience from being lost

The passage of time is strange, but its neglect is even stranger

Sin is bad even in youth, but sin in old age is very bad

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Islamic moral quotes


Moral thought in islam

A person who fulfills one's needs is like spending his whole life in the service of Allah Ta'ala

Pleasing the heart of another brother is the best form of worship in the sight of Allah

Do not respond to a person who speaks before greeting until he has finished greeting

After faith, the best virtue is to serve the creatures

Whoever kills the neighbor's dog hurts the neighbor

He who persecutes his neighbor is in Hell whether he prays all night or fasts during the day

Doing good to strangers is the cause of long life and abundance of sustenance

Stay away from the place of slander

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Heart touching Islamic Quotes in English

Heart touching Islamic Quotes 

Wonder at him who knows death as a truth and then laughs

Wonder at him who knows the world to be mortal and then attracts it

Wonder at him who believes in destiny and then grieves over what is lost

It is surprising to him who knows the reckoning of the Day of Resurrection to be true and then accumulates illicit wealth

It is surprising to him who knows the truth of hell and then commits a sin

It is surprising to him who believes in Allah and then puts his trust in others

It is surprising to him who knows the truth of heaven and then runs after the unjust comforts of the world

It is surprising to him who considers Satan as an enemy and then obeys him

A scholar who is not asked about knowledge is wasted. A weapon that is not used is a wealth that is not spent on the poor.

Sometimes pardoning crimes makes criminals more dangerous

Silence is the best cure for anger

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Famous Islamic Quotes


Famous islamic quotes for life 

Reconciliation between two people is charity

Helping someone ride his horse is also charity

Every step taken for a good cause is charity

He who is deprived of gentleness is deprived of all good

The work that causes the most forgiveness is open weeping and sweet tongue

A sweet tongue and feeding others is the best sign of faith

Stay away from the place of slander, don't make others think about you

Honor the honorable men of every nation
Advocating for someone's rights or relieving pain or saving lives are all acts of charity

Hadees in english

 Hadees nabvi (saw) in english about fruit trees

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