Monday, September 16, 2024

Motivational quotes for success

 Powerful motivational quotes for success in life

A little literature is better than knowledge without literature

He who knows human ethics well does not feel sorry for the reproach of the ignorant

What does not come out of the tongue is your slave, what comes out of the tongue, you are its slave

Most of the troubles that befall the rich, the poor are spared

Control your thoughts in private and your tongue in assembly

There are four things in the world that are bad for life.  Lack of wealth.  Bad neighbor.  Cheating wife.  Big family

Three things are best: restraining a sinner from doing wrong, educating an ignorant person, and making an enemy a friend

Man's greatest enemy is the act of sin and his best friend is the act of goodness

The pain of punishment makes one forget the pleasure of sin

He who perseveres succeeds

Happiness is a profitable business.   contentment treasure.   And intellect is the boat of salvation

Becoming a slave to time is the best wisdom

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