Showing posts with label Motivational Quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Motivational Quotes. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2024

Motivational quotes for success

 Powerful motivational quotes for success in life

A little literature is better than knowledge without literature

He who knows human ethics well does not feel sorry for the reproach of the ignorant

What does not come out of the tongue is your slave, what comes out of the tongue, you are its slave

Most of the troubles that befall the rich, the poor are spared

Control your thoughts in private and your tongue in assembly

There are four things in the world that are bad for life.  Lack of wealth.  Bad neighbor.  Cheating wife.  Big family

Three things are best: restraining a sinner from doing wrong, educating an ignorant person, and making an enemy a friend

Man's greatest enemy is the act of sin and his best friend is the act of goodness

The pain of punishment makes one forget the pleasure of sin

He who perseveres succeeds

Happiness is a profitable business.   contentment treasure.   And intellect is the boat of salvation

Becoming a slave to time is the best wisdom

Friday, September 13, 2024

Motivational Quotes

 Motivational quotes about success

Reaching the destination of success is not difficult provided the right path is taken

It should be noted that corruption and extortion in trade are two axes that cut off its roots

A person who waits for favorable conditions and better opportunities always fails because all the great people who have passed through the world have been successful in opposition and resistance.

Failure and deprivation is not due to luck but due to wrong planning

Those who leave today's work for tomorrow do not think about what we have done today and what we will do tomorrow

The better the work, the greater the difficulties

The bottom of the sea of   perseverance is full of pearls

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Motivational quotes

 Motivational quotes about success in life

Fear is a component of prudence

He who controls his tongue saves himself

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Motivational Quotes

Motivational quotes about life

 Being in trouble is the ultimate trouble

A man's ability is hidden under his tongue

Talking nonsense is the worst thing for a human being

A person who is not righteous by good behavior becomes righteous by bad behavior

Wise people value time in its presence but fools wake up losing time

Although there is fear in truth, it is the cause of salvation; in falsehood, although there is temporary satisfaction, it is the cause of destruction

Do not take help of others for what you can do yourself. Whoever becomes dependent on others will always remain in need.

A person who despises others is very bad

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Motivational Quotes

 Motivational quotes for success in life

  • It is better to go to bed hungry than to wake up in debt

  •  Every one has some intelligence, but not everyone knows how to use it

  •  A double load is put on the ox of the poor

  •  If you want the enemy to not be able to control you, then you should get out of his reach

  •  Being illiterate is the biggest poverty

  •  Lie down after lunch, take a walk after dinner
  •  The risk of a disaster is more severe than its occurrence

  • Before buying a house for yourself, take care of your neighbors
  • A closed mouth never gets flies
 That is, do not speak without reason

  • One lie leads to many lies

Unique inspiritional quotes on life

  Unique quotes about life success Earning from suspicion is better than asking The greatest blessing after faith is a virtuous woman A pe...

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