Thursday, October 17, 2024

Daily motivational quotes for success

 Daily motivational quotes for success in life

Be brief but sincere

If you want to be happy, make others happy

In the way of Allah, give to the deserving and also to the undeserving, and Allah will give you what you deserve and also what you do not deserve.

Be silent, Allah will remove the burden of your heart

Keep your inner thoughts clear because boats sink from the water inside and not from the water outside

Learn to listen in the same tone as you speak

The more silent he is, the more his honor is preserved

Pay the debts of others before you die

Speaking the truth relieves mental problems

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Heart touching Islamic Quotes

 Heart touching Islamic Quotes for motivation

Knowledge without action is loss and action without sincerity is useless

If you cannot benefit anyone, then do not harm, and if you cannot make someone happy, then do not hurt anyone

When the feet of desires come out of the cloak, there is no peace

If people are impressed by you, then thank the Lord who made you honorable among people by hiding your defects

The characteristic of a good companion is that he cares for you despite differences with you

Dress expensive or cheap does not hide the character Make the character look good You will look good in every outfit

Break your heart with understanding. Not every sin is forgiven

The world belongs to him who lies as much as he says, but he has no share in the Hereafter

Never put your hope in man and never lose your hope in Allah

Make your thinking positive because it is possible to cure vision but not ideology

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Importance of time in our life

 Importance of time in our life

The famous philosopher Franklin was very hardworking, tireless and punctual, giving himself little time to eat and sleep. Once when he was a child, he was sitting at the dinner table with his father.  He used to pray for blessings, so he told his father that you should ask Allah for all the blessings at once, so much time will be saved. He wrote his best work while traveling in a ship.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Inspirational quotes about life

 Inspirational quotes about life success

When a person commits a sin, Allah bestows four favors upon him. He does not withhold sustenance. Health does not stop. Does not show sin. Does not punis

Don't take four things for granted. Debt. Disease Enmity and fire

Beauty is the best gift of God

One father brings up seven sons. But seven sons cannot serve one father

Some moments in life are very precious which cannot be bought even after passing away

There are only two good people, one who dies and the other who is not born

By doing good deeds, the heart is relieved twice. One is when the work is done and the other is when it is rewarded

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Motivational quotes for success at work

Motivational quotes for success 

Free yourself from all thoughts by obeying your order

Life and health can be sustained by low income

The key that is used remains clean and shiny

Do not talk nonsense unless it benefits you or others

Don't exceed the limits of moderation, tolerate people's freedom

The best question in the world is what good I can do in it

A hardworking person never suffers from starvation

A pillow is the best pillow after exertion

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Islamic Quotes in English

 Heart touching islamic quotes

The troubles of the world are apparently wounds but they are the cause of progress

Accidents in the world are like bitter medicine

Enmity with Allah's enemies is like enmity with Allah

The heart is subject to the eyes, it is difficult to protect the heart from the deterioration of the eyes

Do not hurt anyone's heart whether the person in front of you is a Muslim or non muslim

Shame after sin is the branch of repentance

Do not mix with people more than necessary, it leads to troubles

To believe in Allah's Self is not to associate anyone with Him

To believe in the Messenger is to follow none but him

Every action which is according to the Islamic school of thought is included in Zikr

He who is meek has received every blessing

It is good to be kind to everyone, but it is very good to be kind to one's neighbor

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Importance of Time in life

 Importance of time in life success

By saving an hour every day from useless work, even a common man can fully understand a science.  

An ignorant person can become an expert in ten years by spending an hour every day, similarly a person can read twenty pages of a book in one hour and seven thousand pages in a year.

By working for one hour a day, a useless person can become a benefactor of the nation

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Islamic quotes in english about life

 Islamic quotes about life success

The worst thing after disbelief is a bad-tempered woman

After faith, the best thing is a virtuous and childbearing woman

All the kingdoms of the world cannot be the price of a sip of thirst and a cure for constipation

No worship of a person who is angry for more than three days is accepted until they reconcile

The causes of hell for man are his own hands and feet and the misuse of his tongue

To share in the grief of someone who is distressed is an act of worship

There is no one more unfortunate than that person who does not turn to Allah even in trouble

Instead of arguing about destiny, keep following the orders of Allah in silence

Do not buy the friendship of thousands of people for the enmity of one person

In anger, it is wrong to describe the bad deeds of others and to hide the good deeds

An honest businessman is better than a worshiper because trust is hard work

Hadees in english

 Hadees nabvi in english about anger

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